
A cult. A comet. A crab boil.

It’s July 2020 and the comet Neowise will streak across the skies of Los Angeles tonight. Saul Davis doesn’t need his psychic powers to know this is a bad omen. While investigating a zodiac symbol painted on a roof, he and his best friend, LAPD Officer Lonnie Shepherd, discover the meeting place of an astronomically inclined cult. What would it take for a serial killer to convince this following to murder? Perhaps, simply a sign from the heavens.

This is the fourth fascicle of the Zodiac Rising serial novella.


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Zodiac Rising Series

About The Author

author Arthur Bainwright

Arthur Bainwright is a master of astrology and the occult.

This is not his photo. Mr. Bainwright is jealous of his privacy and no one at Etheridge Press has ever spoken with him. This is all we know, but we do love his books.

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